Welcome everyone,
'Join us in this growing community of soul seekers, artists, ordinary and extraordinary people.' The workshops are open to all, with no age restrictions, everyone is welcome regardless of their physical condition and previous experience or not with dance. We look forward to welcoming anyone who aspires to explore the practice. In this group setting, we create connections and communities, refine our instincts and intuitions. We come from all walks of life. All cultures, religions, sexes, ages and genders are welcome.'
About the 5 Rhythms®
Created by Gabrielle Roth and practiced by tens of thousands of people worldwide.
The progressive unfolding of the 5Rhythms® allows us to cross into the Wave of states of Being.
Although it is a seemingly simple process, this practice facilitates deep and endless explorations, leading us to go beyond the limitations and isolation we impose on ourselves to reach new depths of creativity and connection. The 5Rhythms are a dynamic way to train and meditate at the same time. This form of active meditation teaches us that life is energy in motion, freeing us from any fixed ideas about people, places, objects or ideas.
It is an open practice, as such it requires discipline.
Although the teacher holds the intention and can offer general direction or introduction, each person must rely on themselves and move through whatever comes up in the dance: confidence, fatigue, boredom, enthusiasm, sadness, obsessions, judgments and comparisons, attractions and distractions...
By exploring our sensations of Rhythms, Flowing (Fluid) Staccato (Staccato) Chaos (Chaos) Lyrical (Lyric) Stillness (Quiétude)®, the ecstatic language of the 5Rythms® frees our body through movement, soothes our mind, opens our hearts and expands our ordinary states of consciousness, allows us to be more and more present to ourselves and trains us to be more authentic.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. A deep dance says a million.
By dancing the Rhythms, we can discover a vocabulary of free movements rooted in unexpected and new ways of moving, visceral and very personal.
The 5Rhythms allow us to follow new perceptions and old memories, to search for gestures and forms, to tune into instincts and intuitions. They reveal ways to creatively express aggression and vulnerability, emotions and anxieties, limitations and ecstasies. They reconnect us to the cycles of birth, death and renewal and connect us to the spirit of all living beings. They bring us back to the wisdom of our body and unleash the dynamic healing power of movement. By dancing the 5Rhythms, the body becomes our spiritual path.
source: https://www.5rhythms.com/
"Each rhythm is a dynamic state of being, each a master teacher. Together they guide us to reweave the web of divine intelligence that defines us. They are a philosophy, a practice, a creative process, a performance art, and a prayer. In fact, they are a cosmology, a modern medicine wheel rooted in trance, a series of interconnected maps leading to the moving center... the stopping point in a dancing world. The 5Rhythms take us far beyond free dance. They are specific catalysts, keys that unlock the psyche and set it in motion to heal itself."
Gabrielle Roth
learn more: https://www.5rhythms.com/gabrielle-roths-5rhythms/5rhythms-cosmology/