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THE 5 RHYTHMS ~ A Practice, a Tradition, a Cosmology
Annette Uhlemann & Jan Redsted (Denmark)

March 1 and 2, 2025 - Montpellier

An invitation to free the body, express the heart, empty the head, awaken the soul and embody the spirit.
In this ritual form of ecstatic dance, we train ourselves through the body to feel our soul, through meditation through movement we enter into a spiritual practice.

The Waves level is both the most fundamental and the most advanced of the 5Rhythms. Movement in an uncensored natural continuum is the path to healing, growth and transformation. For thousands of years, shamans have made dance and ecstasy the culmination of every ceremony. The 5Rhythms come from this tradition. They contain elements of shamanism, Eastern philosophy and are also inspired by transpersonal psychology.

Annette Uhlemann & Jan Redsted live in Denmark, they have been a couple for over 30 years and both have been trained to teach the HeartBeat level (emotions), they have followed the 5Rhythms® certification training with
with Gabrielle Roth in the United States in 2005. They are members of the board of directors of the 5Rhythms® Reach Out association.

Non-residential internship

More info soon, stay tuned!

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